Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Kurrawa To (not quite) Duranbah - 15km walk

I have this habit of coming up with events to do, or things I want to accomplish without thinking too much about them or training for them. I did this again on Sunday!

I had a huge weekend of hair appointments, family Christmas BBQs and the Taylor Swift concert on Saturday, and then had signed up to 15km running/walking event on Sunday morning on the Gold Coast.
Saturday was a lot of fun – love getting my hair done (cut and colour) and then off to see family for lunch, then home to get ready for the Taylor Swift concert. I ended up being out of the house from 8am to 3:30pm, then out again at 4:30pm and not home until 11:30pm. Not even time for a nap as I had planned!
And then, I had to get up at 3:30am to get down to Kurrawa for the walk! 4 hours sleep! Far out! I did not think this through at all!

But there I was – alarm went off and I was up and getting ready for Kate to pick me up at 4am!
Outside my house at 4am - sun was just starting to rise!
We got down to Kurrara at around 5:15am, got our race packs and Kate was off on her 30km! You can read all about her massive milestone here. An hour later I was off for my 15km walk. I started off fast to get my legs going but still had the horrible calf pain I always get for these events. I had a new tactic though!
At the start line!
First, I bought some compression tights for my calves at the event from a stall selling running stuff, and second, used a lot of self talk, as in, I talked to my own calves. Yes, I probably sounded crazy, but I was walking on my own so I don’t think too many people heard me!
Compression tights!
My muscles always seem to relax from top to bottom with those side ankle muscles (I’m sure they have an actual name) being the last to ease up. Of course, they are the most painful bit too! As each part of the muscle eased up and started to loosen up I would thank it and then have a word to the next part to do the same. After 4kms the last muscle finally relaxed enough for the pain to go away. I could still feel the tightness but had no more pain!
It was also bloody hot. Even at 7am it was hot and the sun burned! I have some very interesting tan lines on my back and shoulders now, and was lucky just to have a few burnt spots. They had drink stations every 2.5km which was perfect and each station was always really encouraging. On the way there, and then on the way back the 50km and 30km runners were starting to come back so I got a few smiles and nods and encouraging words which is always so nice.

At around the 6km mark there was a giant set of stairs and a hill (up the stairs – down the hill there, up the hill – down the stairs back) which just seemed like some kind of cruel and unusual joke. I can’t image running over 40km or 20km (for the 50km and 30km runners) and then having to run up that hill and down the stairs. The hardest part was actually getting down the stairs as it’s such a different motion to walking and I have bad balance at the best of times! But, I made it!
The view from the top of the hill to one of the gorgeous beaches I passed.

Bloody stairs!
Half way! woohoo!
At around the 4km to go mark my back and feet started to hurt, I could feel a blister on my toe forming and the arch of my bad foot was aching with every step. I really slowed down and all I kept thinking was that each step was getting my closer to the finish line and closer to being able to sit down. Finally, I rounded the bend and saw the finish banner!

I was happy with my time too as I wanted to beat 3 hours, and beat the time I did the last time I completed 15kms which was in February this year. I achieved both!

Finish time! And I wasn't last :)

The finish line!
A few others firsts – my first ice bath! So cold, yet so refreshing! The hardest thing about the event was walking past all the beautiful beaches and not being able to go jump in!  But after the ice bath and some recovery time I ran straight into the ocean for a quick dip!

Into the ice bath! Super icy!

Into the ocean!

After doing all of that on 4 hours sleep (I’m an 8-9hours per night sleep kind of girl) I was exhausted. I tried to stay awake that afternoon but at around 3pm was nodding off on the couch so went off for a nap for a few hours. And I still managed to go to bed early and sleep right through the night.

Sooooo tired at the end!
Finish time and calorie burn!

Since then I have been sore and just tired tired tired. But I loved every minute of it! Wonder what the next crazy idea I’ll have will be!

My superstar cheerleader, Kate aka CocoGirl!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Week 4 Round Up!

So this week I put on weight. It was the first week this round that I have. And I know exactly why (being on holidays – slice of cake here and there, and being sick – no exercise) but that’s not what this post is about. It’s about the fact that when I saw I had put on 2.5kg on Sunday I DID NOT THEN GO AND BINGE MONDAY AND TUESDAY! Normally if this was to happen I would give up for Monday and Tuesday thinking that what was the use of trying, there’s no way I can lose 2.5kg in two days, I might as well just start again on Wednesday with a new weigh in week.

But no, on Monday I got right back on track – eating sensibly and drinking my water. I had two great days of drinking water (today, not as good – but back on it tomorrow!). Every day – every hour – every minute you can start again! There is no perfect date or time to start again. Start now! This very second! And I got this 2.5kg gain down to a 900g gain.

I’ve also realised that being sick can’t be an excuse for putting on weight. Sure, I couldn’t exercise (had a chest infection/head cold) but I really didn’t need to eat that dessert or have those bbq shapes, but I did use being sick as an excuse. I am proud that I didn’t have an epic binge (or binges) as I’ve done before…many many times.

Week 4 is always a turning point for me. I do great up until Week 4 and then I usually just think it’s all too hard and give up. I still do lots of events, but I don’t think about my eating and I do little to no exercise outside of events. This changestoday! Now that my chest infection is mostly cleared up I’m off to do Week 1/Day 1 of Couch to 5km after work and tomorrow I have Group PT.

The only way my body will change is if my behaviour changes. That’s it. Full stop. I’ve wished and thought about it enough, now it’s time for action!


So I did my fitness test and a walk/run and really surprised myself with my results (flexibility was the same so I left that out)!

Oh, and that 900g gain? Gone today!!


1km Time Trial

Push Ups

Ab Strength (Plank)

Wall Sit

Week 1





Week 4







+ 12

+ 1:21

+ 1:11


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Week 1 - 3 Round Up and 2 holidays!

I always say I’m going to update this blog more, and then 2 weeks fly by!!!

Wow, 3 weeks sure have gone fast!! What have I done? Accomplished? Let's see.
Week 1 was a whirlwind. I was coming down from the high of finale and had only signed up to Round 4 a few days prior, so Week 1 was about getting into the groove of starting the round. I was determined to smash this round and give it my all! To do this, I needed a plan, to be inspired and to get organised. I gave a lot of thought into my goals of this round and what I wanted to accomplish. The main goal is a 15kg + weight loss and to smash the Long Triathlon at the Brisbane Pink Triathlon event.

Week 2 threw a spanner in the works as I was on holidays for the whole week and I think I had only 1 meal at home (at Rich’s Grandad’s house - breakfast) but due to heaps of walking, and sensible food choices when out I somehow still lost weight!
Week 3 started and my usual end of holiday head cold surfaced which meant exercise was going to be limited = food choices were paramount in losing this week! AND I DID! 900g to be exact! Super super happy and now, once this head cold goes away I’ll be back into smashing the exercise!
The ocean at Yaamba.

Rich and I walking in Yaamba.

Seafood platter for two. So yummy, so fresh!

Day 1 of the Ashes at the Gabba!

Bought a sandwich at the Ashes - no chips or deep fried stuff to be found!

A pair of cycling shorts I've been thinking of buying...

On holiday = Gold Class movies!

Week 3 I got sick and have been on a 3 night mini-holiday at Tin Can Bay with Rich. The worst thing about being sick was that I missed out on going to do Pink Tri at the Sunshine Coast. I was so disappointed, but I think it's spurred me on to want to really train hard for the Brisbane Pink Tri in January. I did it last year so I know it's going to be hard!

I have a new super duper training plan which I’m excited about and starting on Monday! It means AM and PM workouts and should mean I can really start dropping those KGs and keeping them dropped! With the main goal is triathlon training so I have a mix of cycling, swimming and walking/running planned with a few weights and ab sessions thrown in. And stretching - really need to get into a stretching routine!

My other goals are with food. I want to eat more vegetables (with more variation) and start drinking water - yes - START. I am horrendous with drinking water - some days I'm pretty sure I don't drink any, with the only liquid I consume being coke zero and tea. Terrible - especially because I know how important water is for weight loss.
And to finish, a few photos from my holiday here in Tin Can Bay:
Rich and Me  on the barge to Fraser Island.

Lake Mackenzie on Fraser Island - beautiful fresh water lake.

Lazing about in the lake.
Rich and I "bush walking".

View of the butterfly lakes from up in the airplane.

In the airplane, wondering if there's parachutes on board.

Stupidly, I didn't read the sign about not going on the shipwreck.

75 mile beach on Fraser Island. Gorgeous.


Monday, November 18, 2013

Round 3 Finale!

It's been over a week now but thought I should finally do a round up of what was Round 3 Finale in Sydney!

I had only decided and organised to go a few days before and with some great flights and free accommodation on one night and finding a roomie for the second night I was set to go. Begged to have a half day of work on the Friday and found myself on a 2pm flight from Brisbane to Sydney to where all the fun was to begin!

I didn't go to finale because I'd done anything spectacular that round. I had ticked a few things of my list but my weight was still exactly the same as it was at the start of the round having lost and gained the same 3 or 4kg. I wanted to go to get inspired again, and to spend some time with some really amazing people. I wanted to complete the whole workout and dance, and chat and take lots of selfies!

Then, suddenly, an even more amazing reason for going happened! On finale night! My very dear friend CocoGirl was in the Top 10 for the night!!! This girl is amazing. She is the kindest person you will ever meet in your life and she's run 3, yes 3!!! Half Marathons this round!. And I was lucky enough to be there for 2 of them. She is always there to listen to others and always inclusive of everyone and is just all round one the good ones.

So, the Friday night was pretty laid back with some drinks and dinner, then back to the hotel for some much needed rest for the big day on Saturday. I wasn't volunteering this time (I did at Adelaide Finale) so was able to have a sleep in and head over at around 9am. At the workout I looked around at the stalls, chatted to some people, put real people to Facebook names and finally at 11am it was time to work out!

The workout was hard, and there were a few things I had to modify because of my wrist (chronic tendonitis) but I had a blast! I did so much more than I thought I did and even managed a few high fives from Michelle Bridges! For one section I decided to go to the front and stand in front of the instructor doing the beginners version of the workout. She smiled and winked at me a few times which was really cool.

After the workout was done it was time for photos with Mish and I once again was able to get a selfie with her!

After the work out my roomie and I went back to the hotel, checked in and was greeted with an awesome view of darling harbour from our room! It was so beautiful and perfect! We had a bit of a rest and then headed off to do some shopping and get our makeup done. I bought a new clutch bag for the night ($12.95 from Sportsgirl!) and then headed to Napolean to get my make up done. I can't say how much I love Napolean! The girls there are always so friendly and always do an amazing job and really listen to what I want. Since the Brisbane finale I've discovered a love of a bold lip colour. In Brisbane and Sydney I had pink and in Adelaide I had red. I have also discovered how amazing lashes are! This time I went for lashes that had sparkles on them so every time I blinked they gave a flash. Loved them! And so sad they only last the night.

The night was spent again, catching up and talking with lots of people, putting Facebook/Instagram names to real life people's faces. Watching the top 10 transformations was so inspiring! Hearing there stories and what they had achieved in the last 3 months had me thinking, if they can do it, surely I can to?

I came back and signed up for Round 4. And this one I'm doing fully and completely. If I do the program I can have nothing more than success.

I'm currently on holidays but when I get back home I'll putting up a few more things here on the blog to keep me on track and inspired.

And now...photos!

On the way to Sydney!

The view from our hotel room!

So excited to be at the workout!!!

Mish and Me, Me and Mish. Love.

Make up freshly done! Love the lashes!

The sparkly lashes!!!

How YOU doin'?

Sad that finale is alllll over. Never shall there be a finale night again.
Me and the gorgeous Alana! So happy to have been able to spend time with her that night!

Mish and Me, Me and Mish. At finale night!

Me trying to get a selfie with CocoGirl with her on stage! (Also Catherine and Michaela!)

I was so proud I did my own hair that night, even though it wasn't the best :)

I'm up in lights! Second row, first picture and bottom row, sixth picture.

Me and Godfrey - Michelle Bridges security man.
Me and the gorgeous CocoGirl. AKA Kate :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

12wbt Round 4 Eve

You know when you were a kid and it was the night before Christmas and all you wanted was for it to be Christmas already? And that when you went to bed, and woke up the next morning it would be Christmas?

That's how I feel right now about the next round of 12wbt starting tomorrow. I have signed up for every round this year and while I've barely lost any weight (or have lost and gained the same weight), I have learnt and experienced so much. I feel like this is my round when it's all going to come together. This year I've learnt more about myself then I ever have before:

1. I am a good friend.
2. I am someone people want to be around and spend time with.
3. I can make wacky plans and then actually follow through on them (20km walk....)
4. I am worth looking after my health.

So, this round. Round 4, 2013. Wow. 2014 is almost here! I turn 30 next year, and my goal is to be in the mid 80kg range by my birthday (26th of March). That measns losing more than 22kg. It's 19 weeks away so is definitely doable.

How am I going to do it?

1. Watch what I eat, and deal with my emotions instead of eating them. I also need to grow up a bit when it comes to food. No, I don't need that ice cream just because I want it. I also need to start eating more varied vegetables. My aim? One new vegetable every week.

2. Move my body. If there's one thing I've learnt this year it's that to be motivated to move my body it needs to be something that I love doing, which usually means something that doesn't feel like a workout but burns up those calories.

3. Get deeper into my mindset. I have signed up to do a nutitional pschology course, but apart from printing out everything have not touched it. I also committ to watching each and every 12wbt video.

4. Nourish my body. This one isn't about food, it's about taking my vitamins and supplements and getting into the routine of taking them. I'll be taking magnesium, chlorophyll, a probiotic, and fish oil.

5. Take time with my appearence. I'm never going to be a beauty queen, but I would like to start looking after my nails, and wearing makeup (light) to work every day. Just those simple things, but actually start to care about it.

Over night I now need to think of what my weekly challenge is going to be. I have a few events lined up so just need to fill in the blanks and then put out the call and see if any crazy cats want to join me.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Giving up a dream (for now)...

For a few years now it’s been a goal of mine to run a full 5km. I have competed in many many fun runs and have started the Couch to 5km program many a time. At each event I think it will THE one where everything will come together and I WILL be running over that 5km finish line. This dream hasn’t ever come true. What usually happens is within the first few hundred metres I get excruciating pain in my lower calf muscles and have to stop. This pain continues even when walking and if I was lucky would finally disappear with 2 kms to go. I have tried stretching, magnesium, foam rolling, physio’s, warming up with a walk before hand and still, the same pain happens. When I tried the foam roller the night before an event it turned out to be the worst pain I’ve been in and I couldn’t actually finish the event. Still, I persisted on and when an event came up for a 3km run I jumped on it, as it seemed like maybe this time I could do it, being a shorter distance.

But no, same pain. Had to stop. Felt disappointed in myself once again. The lovely CocoGirl was doing this event with me and she asked me if I liked running. My immediate answer was “No, I just want to one day say I’ve run a 5km, but I really don’t like running”. I had been thinking that I needed my “thing”. Friends of mine are “runners” or “triathletes” or “bush-walkers”. I felt like I needed a “thing” to. Another friend, Ruth, asked me the other day why I needed a thing?

My first thought was, well, everyone has a thing? Surely I need a THING!?

At the 3km event, Coco asked me what I enjoyed doing. My answers were tennis, swimming and obstacle courses, and that I would like to improve on all of these events.

Once I got home that afternoon, and after a much needed nap (I also climbed a mountain that morning!) I looked up tennis and swimming coaching and found Adult Tennis Coaching that prepares you for social fixtures, and an Adult Swim Squad. Awesome! I called for information on both on Monday and signed up! My first Tennis lesson is next Tuesday, with swimming on either a Monday or Wednesday. Perfect! And I am so excited!

Running that 5km is still a dream – I’m just not yet in the body that can fulfil that dream so it’s being put on the backburner for now. And that is okay <deep breath>.

Now, about that mountain climbing! Amazing – and I encourage anyone to climb a mountain – doesn’t matter how big or small – just find one and climb it!

The mountain I climbed up was Mt NgunNgun on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. A beautiful location surrounded by farm land and with views to the ocean.

I am so lucky to have the group of girls as friends that I have and it was with this group that we took on the mountain! The pace was nice and steady and it wasn’t long before we were making the final descent up a few boulders, and then, wow! The view was amazing!

Maybe Mountain Climbing can be my thing too.