Saturday, November 30, 2013

Week 1 - 3 Round Up and 2 holidays!

I always say I’m going to update this blog more, and then 2 weeks fly by!!!

Wow, 3 weeks sure have gone fast!! What have I done? Accomplished? Let's see.
Week 1 was a whirlwind. I was coming down from the high of finale and had only signed up to Round 4 a few days prior, so Week 1 was about getting into the groove of starting the round. I was determined to smash this round and give it my all! To do this, I needed a plan, to be inspired and to get organised. I gave a lot of thought into my goals of this round and what I wanted to accomplish. The main goal is a 15kg + weight loss and to smash the Long Triathlon at the Brisbane Pink Triathlon event.

Week 2 threw a spanner in the works as I was on holidays for the whole week and I think I had only 1 meal at home (at Rich’s Grandad’s house - breakfast) but due to heaps of walking, and sensible food choices when out I somehow still lost weight!
Week 3 started and my usual end of holiday head cold surfaced which meant exercise was going to be limited = food choices were paramount in losing this week! AND I DID! 900g to be exact! Super super happy and now, once this head cold goes away I’ll be back into smashing the exercise!
The ocean at Yaamba.

Rich and I walking in Yaamba.

Seafood platter for two. So yummy, so fresh!

Day 1 of the Ashes at the Gabba!

Bought a sandwich at the Ashes - no chips or deep fried stuff to be found!

A pair of cycling shorts I've been thinking of buying...

On holiday = Gold Class movies!

Week 3 I got sick and have been on a 3 night mini-holiday at Tin Can Bay with Rich. The worst thing about being sick was that I missed out on going to do Pink Tri at the Sunshine Coast. I was so disappointed, but I think it's spurred me on to want to really train hard for the Brisbane Pink Tri in January. I did it last year so I know it's going to be hard!

I have a new super duper training plan which I’m excited about and starting on Monday! It means AM and PM workouts and should mean I can really start dropping those KGs and keeping them dropped! With the main goal is triathlon training so I have a mix of cycling, swimming and walking/running planned with a few weights and ab sessions thrown in. And stretching - really need to get into a stretching routine!

My other goals are with food. I want to eat more vegetables (with more variation) and start drinking water - yes - START. I am horrendous with drinking water - some days I'm pretty sure I don't drink any, with the only liquid I consume being coke zero and tea. Terrible - especially because I know how important water is for weight loss.
And to finish, a few photos from my holiday here in Tin Can Bay:
Rich and Me  on the barge to Fraser Island.

Lake Mackenzie on Fraser Island - beautiful fresh water lake.

Lazing about in the lake.
Rich and I "bush walking".

View of the butterfly lakes from up in the airplane.

In the airplane, wondering if there's parachutes on board.

Stupidly, I didn't read the sign about not going on the shipwreck.

75 mile beach on Fraser Island. Gorgeous.


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